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When things get tough…

With all the intense and, at times, chaotic and challenging energy right now, I wanted to highlight a stone of COURAGE. So, naturally, I’m talking about CARNELIAN this week🔥😍

This crystal is overflowing with fiery and passionate energy! It pushes us to get up and go forth on our pursuits and goals, while abolishing feelings of stagnation, apathy, and fatigue.

It opens up our desires on a sensual and sexual level as well as in relation to what we want to manifest in our lives. It increases sex drive, and fertile energy.

Carnelian is also a stabilizing and protective stone.  It helps keep you grounded and encourages courage in the face of life’s many and varied challenges.

This can be an excellent stone for those who lead very hectic and perhaps chaotic lives. When surrounded by the stabilizing vibes of carnelian, you will be able to function on high energy levels.

In closing, with Mercury in retrograde for the next few weeks, Carnelian may be a great choice to work with for that extra kick of courage and endurance 🧡💎🧡


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