The Witch enters her sacred space and leaves the world behind…

When we take the time to create a slice of sacred space for ourselves we can find more magic and peace within.
It doesn’t have to be complicated. Carve out a small (or if you have more space large) place where you can create your magical world.
Gather yourself a few special items: something to cleanse (sage, mugwort, rosemary, etc…) a white candle, something that symbolizes the elements and a crystal for meditative energy, such as Amethyst.

Arrange everything on a small altar. Light the candle in the center of the altar. Burn your chosen cleansing herb and move the smoke over your body and around the room. Cast a circle of protective energy. Pick up and hold the crystal and do some light breathing exercises. Then spend at least 10-15 minutes meditating. Just allow it to happen. Whatever form it takes, just let it flow, without judgement or worry. And end by setting your intentions for the day.
When you’re finished give thanks and go about your business. Even though it’s simple, rituals like this are the bedrock of any spiritual practice. It’s consistency that matters. And taking that slice of time to connect with your inner Witch. Blessed Be!