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A Book of Shadows

I am feeling like we all could use a bit of a hug from the universe! This crystal FEELS just like that😇

💖Angel Aura Quartz is an absolutely stunning opalescent crystal that radiates incredible calming and bright energy making it an instant mood booster.

It enhances and eases the way for meditation and journey work by smoothing out our auric field and our busy/stressed minds. In addition, it helps with balancing and clearing all of our Chakras because of its Rainbow colors/vibrations.

Angel Aura assists us in communication with our Spirit Guides and Angels. Hold during meditations, prayer, or rituals to receive its aid.  Considered to be a Master Healer crystal, it can be of use in any  type of Chakra/healing work.

Its incredible rainbow beauty is created when clear Quartz is fused with natural platinum and silver.

Wear it, carry it, or just have it around you for times that require a little extra assistance and soothing healing vibes!đŸ„°đŸ’ŽđŸ’ž

Remember, regardless of what memes are saying what
the Full Moon is the ideal time for wishes and manifestations.

When the moon is full it has reached the maximum energy, light, and power, thus making it perfect for the completion of our intentions.

If your wish happens to be geared towards the release of something, that’s fine, but the idea that it’s a time of lessening or getting rid of MAKES NO SENSE. I’m endlessly explaining this to clients because of all the inaccurate information out there.

The best time for diminishing or banishing and releasing is on the eve of the New Moon, known as the Dark Moon. These magical acts can also be done during the deepening waning moon as well.

what is it that you wish? Dream it, see it, feel it, know it, and cast your intent to the sky when the moon is full! It is as nature intended and goes with the natural flow of the energies. Soak it in and watch what unfolds!🌛🌕🌜

With all the intense and, at times, chaotic and challenging energy right now, I wanted to highlight a stone of COURAGE. So, naturally, I’m talking about CARNELIAN this weekđŸ”„đŸ˜

This crystal is overflowing with fiery and passionate energy! It pushes us to get up and go forth on our pursuits and goals, while abolishing feelings of stagnation, apathy, and fatigue.

It opens up our desires on a sensual and sexual level as well as in relation to what we want to manifest in our lives. It increases sex drive, and fertile energy.

Carnelian is also a stabilizing and protective stone.  It helps keep you grounded and encourages courage in the face of life’s many and varied challenges.

This can be an excellent stone for those who lead very hectic and perhaps chaotic lives. When surrounded by the stabilizing vibes of carnelian, you will be able to function on high energy levels.

In closing, with Mercury in retrograde for the next few weeks, Carnelian may be a great choice to work with for that extra kick of courage and endurance 🧡💎🧡

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