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A Book of Shadows

A bunch of fresh rosemary

As we begin to enter into the darker part of the year and the sacred holiday of Samhain draws near, we are reminded that we are a multi-layered being. 

We are of not only of body and mind, but also of spirit and energy. And the latter cannot and does not “die”.  

If we open and pay attention, this time of year is beautifully laced with lessons and connections with our ancestors and with the part of our essence that is eternal. 

A collection of acorns

Try working with some of these suggestions to inspire you throughout this season 🎃

~Burn dried Rosemary in honor of your loved ones in spirit.  It represents REMEMBRANCE. 

~Wear or carry the stone, Jet, to ward off any evil spirits or strong negativity. 

~Leave natural food offerings outside for the land spirits and fairies~to promote peace and respect. 

~Meditate and/or do divination while holding or wearing Lapis Lazuli.  This mineral increases visions and psychic connection. 

~Blend together: oils of Patchouli, Lavender, and Pine. Use in diffuser for a magical Fall scent and vibe. 

~Carry an acorn in a red pouch or cloth to attract good fortune. 

~Spend at least 5 minutes each day or night, outside. Breathe. Look. Listen. And just Be present. 

~Dedicate and burn a white candle to your ancestors every Friday. 

~Drink a blend Mugwort and Peppermint tea  before going to bed to encourage intuitive dreams.  Both of these herbs are strongly connected with psychic enhancement. (Make sure these herbs are safe for you personally to consume). 

A dirt road in the forest scattered with autumnal leaves

With the shifting seasons, it’s a natural time of transformation. Whenever I feel like I need to transform something I immediately think of obsidian!

This crystal works intensely to bring out our insecurities and fears in order for us to face them so that we can get rid of them. It helps us to transform our weaknesses into power.

Obsidian is very potent because it harnesses the energies of water, earth, and fire, as it comes from lava that cools quickly from a volcano.

It is known as a stone of truth and it helps to reveal lies and facades. This in turn, helps us to release illusions and things that aren’t in alignment with our hearts desires.

Obsidian is excellent for clearing out the nonsense in our lives and assisting us in following our true selves.

This stone helps us to be ourselves with courage and clarity. It breaks through the clutter and confusion helping us to see what is real and better release what’s not working for us.

It is helpful in meditation and calming our minds and fears. This isn’t always easy but obsidian helps to give us strength through the process of looking within/shadow work.

🖤In the weeks ahead going into the new season, try working with obsidian to see how it gels with you and how it can be of assistance for you!🩵

Updated: Sep 26, 2024

We must remember~ to not get so caught up in the details that we forget to BE PRESENT🔥

Life is spinning out and showing us its Magick every day but too often we are distracted and miss it. The equinox is all about balance and the harmony of nature. Day and night are perfectly equal and balanced making it the ideal time for each of us to observe and embody our own internal sense of balance.

For WE ARE NATURE! And it is our path to recognize and receive the gift of our purest form~ we are one with all that is💞

This equinox, go outside and take 3 deep breaths and after each one, say, “I am present and one with all that is~I breath in and exhale love to all that lives”

Soak in and pay attention to the energy that follows…you won’t be disappointed!😍

Pandora's Box logo in gold
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