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A Book of Shadows

Updated: Feb 19, 2024

I've been feeling the need for more grounded energy as of late...

A stunning large mookaite pendant I felt that this was a perfect crystal to feature! Plus it's not one that is talked about too too often.

Mookaite is a crystal of the "here and now," helping you to appreciate the past, enjoy and focus on the present, and look forward to the future. It fills you with hope, happiness, and excitement, while dispelling worries that are not helpful.

Mookaite improves self-esteem and shifts perspective to help create a deeper connection with your true spirit, bringing a sense of wholeness.

It helps while dealing with difficult periods by bringing feelings of calm and comfort. It's a grounding crystal that encourages strength and stability. It also shields and protects from negative energies.

Mookaite can be utilized to communicate with your spirit guides or Ancestors. Because of its powerful earth energies, it is an excellent tool to deepen Ancestral connection.

The potent earth energy can help us to connect with our innate intuition, but from a more grounded and logical perspective. This vibration allows for better manifestation.

I'll be wearing my Mookaite for the next couple of weeks to better center myself as we come through the second part of the winter season!

Updated: Feb 19, 2024

A plaque with an invitation to sit, a reminder to come back to our magical selves!

Anyone else feelings the growing urge, or almost need, to declutter and purge stuff?!

I don't know if it's the time of year or that all the planets are direct right now, but there's this push coming from within to get rid of the old... to clear out the stagnant... to make SPACE.

From clothes to trinkets and outdated decorations, we all tend to hang on to way more than we should or actually need. And the more I examine it the more I realize how it's an all-around issues that almost everyone can probably relate to.

It's not just that it's a practical problem that affects us on a physical and mundane level—it's an energetic problem, as well! When we have too much stuff and hold onto things that we have outgrown, or that are no longer useful, we much up the energy and atmosphere of our homes, and this affects us internally, too.

This sluggish environment can dampen our mood, and I have seen it cause fatigue and increase stress. It bogs down the flow of productivity and slows down our ability to function well.

It's pretty easy to see the evidence of, because when I clear out a small portion of a cluttered room I feel so much lighter and my overall demeanor improves! But... we are all busy and the likelihood of us doing hours and hours of cleaning and going through things isn't super high. However, we can all maybe spare an hour or two a week! Even that small amount of time and clearing out will begin to add up and after a few weeks, the effects will begin to radiate all around!

A meditating cat statue seated on a beautiful purple cloth

When we release and let go—when we create SPACE—we are more open for the NEW! With more room comes more opportunities for shifting vibrations and fresh possibilities for the next chapter.

So, I'm setting a personal goal fo rhte remainder of winter: to spend a bit of time every week working on letting stuff go and making space. I'm ready for what's next! How about you?

Updated: Feb 19, 2024

When I'm feeling drained or a little low, I look to nature for the answer. Everything has a balance, and it's most evident when observing how the earth moves.

The witch holding a statue of Gaia

Whether rain or shine, the birds still do their thing. If it's snowing, I still see the squirrels rummaging around. I can hear the sounds of Mother Nature no matter my mood or how crazy life seems. It's constant, it's unbound by the woes of human worries.

There's wisdom to be found in the simplicity and consistency of how nature continues regardless of whatever may be bothering us. It teaches that we too can act in the flow of nature—because we ARE ALSO NATURE.

Sometimes we forget this as we get drawn into the stresses and pettiness of daily life. But we need to remember where we are, and where we come from. This truth grounds and centers us if we can take the time to just look and allow our surroundings to show and heal us.

Pandora's Box logo in gold
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